Tasmania 2021-22 Migration Program for Skilled Resources is open now!

Under the nomination, the quota is available in

Subclass 491 Total 2200 places and

Subclass 190 Total 1100 places, around 500 places are open for the skilled applicants from the 2021-22 program.

Changes in the nomination requirements:

Subtle changes have been made in the nomination requirements for the year 2021-22. The whole nomination requirements and their clarification is provided on the Migration Tasmania Website. A brief version of it give written below.

No employment is necessary

For the graduate nomination program, no employment is required. But the record of employment or business will be taken as an added value, if:

  • The employment operation has a track record of 12-month in Tasmania
  • The employment duration has crossed 3-months
  • Business is owned and operated for at least 6-months
  • The owner of the dairy, meat, logistics, accommodation, the farming industry is operating for the past 6-months in Tasmania with required training of Cert III or equivalent.

The rest of it will be found on the International Graduate Program guidance page.

Work history in Tasmania

Three-month occupation

If an employee has a track record of working in a certain occupation for more than 3-months in Tasmania, he/she will be eligible for the program. It will fall under subclass 491.

Letter from the sponsor

If an employee who is working for the past 12-months in Tasmania and is willing to live here can provide documentation or certification from his/her sponsor, it will work for the program under subclass 482.

 A well-established business in Tasmania

A person who has a well-established business in Tasmania will enjoy the eligibility to apply for the program. A well-established business will include-

– Active online presence

– Local landline number

– Permanent business signage

– Ongoing office space

– Tasmanian address

– Proper marketing and advertising presence

Semi-skilled employment

A person who is serving lower occupations under or with the employer can apply for career development. Industry-based training will be required for that.

AAT review of bridging visa holder

If any candidate is facing visa refusal or cancellation from AAT or federal court, upon providing evidence of-

  • Permission of departure
  • Stable job continuation in Tasmania
  • Entry permission to New Zealand
  • Travel arrangements etc. he/she can continue the application.

Purpose and Priority of 2021-22 Migration Program

To increase the number of skilled people, ensuring a long-term involvement of them with Tasmania through employment and business this program has started. Here, the priorities of nomination are:

  • Skilled candidates with assessed activation in critical roles, like- health, infrastructure, engineering, etc.
  • Skilled candidate that goes with skill assessment of Tasmania
  • Business owners with probable employment opportunity
  • ANZSCO skill level 1-3 related skill assessment
  • Trained or skilled person with the opportunity to ensure contribution to the Tasmanian industry in future

Among everyone, applicants with critical roles will get priority. Here, the critical role includes:

  • Government-appointed candidates who are working for COVID-19 response
  • Candidates who are providing medical services
  • Specialists and highly skilled in infrastructure engineering, agriculture, goods and supply management, etc.

The application for the program has already been started this month. To join, just apply and ensure your chance to be in Tasmania.